The following six types of email alert may be sent.
1.Tampering detection
Email subject line: Detection of the possibility of website tampering
Displayed in red (Danger) on the management console.
2.Cross-domain script detection
Email subject line: Detection of cross domain script
Displayed in yellow (Warning) on the management console.
3.Detection of defacement on top page
Email subject line: Detection of the possibility of defacement on top page
Displayed in yellow (Warning) on the management console.
4.Detection of changes to tags or JavaScript
Email subject line: Detection of changes to tags or JavaScript
Displayed in yellow (Warning) on the management console.
5.Detected an executable file in the monitored target page that appears to act like malware
Email subject line: Detection of the possibility of execution file which behaves like malware
Displayed in yellow (Warning) on the management console.
6.Cases where top page content cannot be obtained (Health check of the top page)
Email subject line: Web content not found!
Displayed in grey (Not found) on the management console.
“ON” or “OFF” can be selected per type for email alerts other than tampering detection. Please click “Account Options” in the header and configure from the following screen.